On this page: two different wind turbines, both rated 10 kW:
1. Special weak wind turbine TN10 with 136.7 m² swept area: 37.360 kWh* p.a. at 5 m/s
2. Strong wind wind turbine GH10 with 47.8 m² swept area: 19.873 kWh* p.a. at 5 m/s
1. Weak wind turbine TN10 - 10 kW
More than 200 wind turbines in operation!
First wind turbines of this technology run since 2002!
Certified by third party: power curve, annual energy production:
Rated power 10 kW already at 7,5 m/s!
Annual Energy Production according to IEC certification *:
at 5,0 m/s: 37.360 kWh
at 4,0 m/s: 24.590 kWh
at 6,0 m/s: 47.240 kWh
The result is a more economic ratio cost to output.
Like for big MW wind turbines optimized for weak wind sites, this wind turbine has:
- Extra large rotor diameter of 13.2 m and according swept area of 136,7 m² in ratio to the rated power of 10 kW.
Then swept-"yield"-area matters first for the energy production. - Power train with Permanentmagnet Synchron-Generator: variable speed with active control
1. Silent at low wind speed due to low rpm
2. Earlier cut in compared to asynchron generator - Active pitching of blades and yawing of nacelle
Fast and efficient storm protection and operation safety
Compare the certified AEP with other 10 kW wt at same and 20 kW wt at low wind speed.
Example: Referred to the certifications this wt produces at 4,0 m/s 50% and at 5,0 m/s 35% more compared to a 10 kW-Windkraftanlage with similar rotor diameter, but with two blades, asynchron generator and gear box.
- Measured power curve and certified AEP
- Noise report
- Duration test, also under strongest wind condition
Special features
- Cerntrifugal brake for fail safe in case of electric failure
- Exchange of generator and blades possible without big external crane. Also for remote and off-road sites
Free standing monopole tower, Hub height 15 m, 18 m, 24 m (30 m)
This wind turbine is available for on grid and off grid and as part of hybrid systems in combination with solar, battery and diesel generator.
Scalable, flexible and modular system up to 200 kW.
Growing with your demand, i.e. for rural electrification. Please contact us for further information.

Alternative for strong wind sites and lower energy consumption
2. Smaller, low budget 10 kW wind turbine GH10
1.000 times proven, also on hurricane sites, military, sea islands
Special offer:
on grid start at 29.900 Euro excl. VAT.
Complete including free standing monopole tower hub height 12 m.
Extra price for hub height 20m: 2.800 Euro
off grid start at 19.000 Euro excl. VAT
Including controller and battery charger DC 48 V, exclusive tower
Annual energy production according to certification *:
at 4,0 m/s: 10.880 kWh
at 5,0 m/s: 19.873 kWh
at 6,0 m/s: 28.637 kWh
Compare with other!
Low energy cost and reliable, simple and proven technology!
Certified power curve and AEP and noise report!
1. Off-grid with or without battery
2. On-grid with inverter
3. Hybrid system parallel to solar modules and diesel generator
Main features:
1. Direct driven Permanent-Magnet Synchrongenerator
2. Rotor diameter 7,8 m, swept area of 47,8 m²
3. High storm and turbine safety: multiple brake and rotor speed control system
a) Active (motoric) and passive furling by turning wind vane
b) Disc brake with electro magnetic driven caliper
c) Dump load
4. Additional stall avoids over speed
5. Controller with optional router for remote control
Interested ?
We are happy to send you more information. Please let us know more about your application
* values according to certification standard. Without guarantee. Actual AEP depdends on wind and site condition.