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  1. General, different applications and configurations for on grid, off grid, hybrid.
  2. Project management: individual steps from demand to turn key.
  3. Wind turbines: classified according to annual energy production.

Wind turbines with AEP of
10.000 up to 50.000 kWh per year

Your annual consumption:
10.000 - 50.000 kWh or bigger?

Wind turbines with AEP of
40.000 up to 130.000 kWh per year *

Your annual consumption:
50.000 to 200.000 kWh or bigger?

Wind turbines with AEP
bigger 130.000 kWh per year *

Your annual consumption:
bigger 200.000 kWh

Hybrid systems
wind and/or solar

Individual configuration,
growing with your demand

Comparison of different available wind turbines

Please contact us with your demand. Click on wind turbine type for further information in German (English under construction)

turbine Rated power rotor diameter swept area power curve Annual Energy Production AEP at average wind speed  *
[x 1000 kWh]
hub height
[kW] [m] [m²] zertifiziert 4 m/s 5 m/s 6 m/s 7 m/s [m]
winDual GH10 10 7,8 47,8 Intertek 10,88 19,88 28,77 36.43 12 und 20
winDual TN535 Schwachwind 10 13,2 136,7 GL-MCS 24,59 37,36 47,24 53.52 18 und 24
 30 kW 30 13,1 135,1 MCS 24 49 75 103
winDual TN20-19 Schwachwind 20 19 283,5 54 80 99 112 24 und 30
winDual 25-16 25 15,9 200 Intertek 44,6 72,6 98 118,9 18, 24,
30, 36, 42
winDual 30-100 100 300 705 2019 162 265 361 443 31
winDual 30-60 60 30 705 2019 145 216 275 311 31
winDual 32-60 60 32 803 certified 166 243 303 342 32.5

This comparison clarifies, which features are most affecting the Annual Energy Production AEP.
Notice the difference of wind turbines with same rated power but with extrem different AEP!

Recommendation: Compare different wind turbines primarily by certified power curves and according AEP.
Only these values, ascertained by independent third party by long time measurement and determination according to European norms, guarantee a comparabilitiy of different types of wind turbines.

Our wide range enables the individual and optimized choice for your demand and site condition,
optional as hybrid and modular system with up to more than 1.000 kW. Growing with your demand.