winDual is an independent German engineering office in the center of Germany.
Since 1993 experiences in international project management and sales of plant engineering and construction.
Started in wind branch in 2006. Manufacturers of gear boxes of big wind turbines were among our international customers for plants. That way led into the technology of small to midsize wind turbines. We analized the technology, markets, applications and manufacturers, national and international.
Since 2008 active in renewable energy:
Quality and performance:
We do not only rely on manufacturers information but on our experiences with many different manufacturers and products.
Main criterias which we continuously:
Solid manufacturer and turbines, operation experience and certification of products and production.
Minimum requirement: certified power curve and AEP, noise reports and duration test according to European Norms listed under IEC 61400, executed by internationally, accredited and independent Institutions.
This guarantees all parties an objective basis for comparison of different turbines.
In the past 12 years we worked directly together with many manufacturers and could gather a lot of experience with different manufacturers, turbines, applications and site conditions. Based on this experience, the focus on the cooperation with three to four manufacturers. We have built up an intensive and close cooperation, starting from development of markets and turbines. Independent of this we also offer products from other manufacturers if they are more suitable for the applicaton and site condtions.
Based on this bright experience, we offer an objective consultancy, individual engineering and project management.
Project management:
Following our project services in chronologic order. We offer complete and individual services:
- Site conditions: wind and solar energy
- Wind measurement, wind and energy production survey and reports
- Consulting concerning type of application and turbine, optional with battery storage and solar.
- Engineering solutions for energy: Standard and customized
- Offers in combination with solar, battery, hybrid systems
- Sales and procurement
- Economic calculation
- Survey for noise and shadow
- Building permission
Benefit from our experience with different
- Manufacturers
- Type of wind turbines
- Size of wind turbines
- Designs
- Site conditions
- Wind conditions
- Applications
- Combinations with solar and batteries